As well known, many people have problem being productive. It is nothing new that since the pandemic started, people, especially teenagers, have been feeling on and off. During online classes, many feel the urge to turn the volume down, if possible. So they do. They turn it down, go to sleep or start doing other activities they find more worth a while. When one finally decides to pay attention, they find it hard to focus and keep zoning out. This has an effect on their studies, later on. I am, personally, feeling the effects as well, which is why I decided to dig into this issue and learn about how it can be overcame.

1. Try reducing your screen time
When you put your phone down, you will have more time for yourself and your studies, as well as your brain won't be exposed to the blue light screens give out.
Worth the mention, blue light from screens is known to affect your brain more than you think. While in the daylight, the blue light can help boost your mood, attention and reactions. Whereas, it is more disruptive at night, causing messy sleep pattern and people having harder time falling asleep.
You can switch your device into night mode, but the light still sends toxic waves into your brain, even though less than the blue light. For this particular issue, not looking at the screen 2-3 hours before sleep is the best solution.
2. Sleep pattern
It is known that sleep pattern has an effect on your mood throughout the next day. Sleep pattern is important due to how much your brain works 24/7. It is filled with various information which need to be processed. As sleep determines your mood and collects information from the day before, it also affects your mind when it needs to be focused. Therefore, you should sleep approximately 7-9 hours per night to be fully productive, but it is strongly individual.
3. Plan your day ahead
Having a schedule helps not only to have an organised day and know how much time you have to spare, yet it also creates a balance between your duties and hobbies. Not to forget, having a clear plan for your day helps you to dedicate your time to meaningful tasks.
But how can this help you to be more productive? As mentioned previously, it seperates your needs and 'chores', creating a routine. Routine is really important in everyday life. When you set yourself a time for studying and keep up to it, after some time your brain will be ready to fully focus at that specific time you set for yourself. It may be put into an example: When you set yourself alarm to wake up at 8am every morning, your brain will get used to the idea of waking up at this hour, and you will wake up without needing the alarm to do it for you. After reading this, grab your journal and plan your tomorrow.
4. Take in fresh air
This may sound even more cheesy as putting your phone away, but stay with me. As your body can't function without oxygen, the brain experiences the same thing. Your brain needs to breathe as much as you do, which is also a reason why people are more likely to make bad decisions when not having enough fresh air. Considering this fact, taking a walk is another thing you can add to your daily routine.
Another idea that came into my mind is planting a seed, as it will freshen your air with more oxygen.
5. Start reading (preferrably physical books)
Reading will not only make you smarter (new vocabulary, general increased intelligence), it can also help you boost your brain power. Reading could be considered as a brain exercise, which helps to keep your mind sharpened longer.
You may be asking: ,,Why physical books are better option than e-book or audio-book?" Well, when turning the pages and making physical contact with the books, as well as being provided with some context, your brain comprehends its information more effectively.
To sum it all up, being more productive means treating yourself with things that actually benefit you. It may seem a lot to add to your day, but you do not need to do all of these things every single day. Putting your phone down gives you more time to try something new, meaning there is no excuse not to do so.
If there is still not enough time, there is something else you can do. For starters, try planning your day and see how it goes. Gradually, you can add reading the following week. When bored, take a walk or run to be at least a little bit active.
Working on this article inspired me to plan my day and try to reduce my screen time to see the effects on myself.