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Don't apologise for your mental health

Updated: Apr 19, 2021

After reading the headline, your first thought might be: 'Yes, of course, why would I have to do that?' Yet, many people still apologise for their feelings, opinions and overall mental health.


Noone should be apologising for how and what they are, especially in times when they feel overwhelmed and frustrated. Overall, it can lead to fixing your emotions into one place only, which is your mind. Mental issues need to be discussed, whether people can see how it helps or not.

When someone with mental health issues starts talking and says something which may not be funny or appropriate, or something only they think was inappropriate, they may instantly say: ,,Oh, I'm sorry, I have anxiety (or anything else)." This little, simple act means you do not accept yourself for who you are. And you are just fine the way you are. Not everyone is able to recover or cope with their problems.


People have their ways of coping with their issues, unfortunately, many don't even realise how feeling bad about yourself and using it as some sort of excuse is not the way to deal with it. Just face the facts. 'I have mental issues, I am not perfect and when I say somehing inappropriate or not funny, I will not apologise for it, only forget about it.' For starters, saying this out loud might help. The choice is yours to make.

When one decides to open up to someone about how they feel, it can also help. No matter how annoying you think you are, you need to get it out of your chest. If you don't feel ready, say it to the pillow or a picture of someone you would like to share your struggles with. It only depends on how far your imagination goes. But even accepting this so-called 'issue' is another step towards being happier.


To be noted, I am not a professional when advising someone about mental health. This is simply my opinion and a way of trying to help.

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